Rajeev Suri

  • 网络拉吉夫·苏里;拉杰夫·苏里
Rajeev SuriRajeev Suri
  1. Nokia 's chief executive Rajeev Suri has predicted that the industry would in time be reduced to as few as three companies given the competitive pressures it faces .


  2. Rajeev Suri , NSN chief executive , said private equity investment could give the business " greater strength and flexibility " but insisted fresh capital was not essential .


  3. Nokia 's chief executive , Rajeev Suri , would take over the combined company , which expects the restructuring to save about $ 1 billion a year starting in 2019 .


  4. NSN was loth to compete on prices before Rajeev Suri became its boss in 2009 , says Bengt Nordstrom of Northstream , a consulting firm .
